Remote court hearings allow for greater efficiency and cost savings for clients

12th Nov 2020

Partner Matthew Moore advised. “During September I attended some 17 court cases. It’s unprecedented as these hearings have been in 5 different towns and cities, without me having once left the office.

“Hearings have been in Ipswich, Weymouth, Swindon, Carmarthen South Wales and of course Bournemouth. The number of hearings attended, particularly with the geographical spread would have been impossible pre covid19.  The advantage of remote hearings is that they tend to run very efficiently and on time, without the usual delays. There is no travelling time too which all means reduced hearing costs for our clients.

“One challenge has been taking instructions during a hearing but the nature of the hearings also means that you can email a client during a hearing and this enables you to take live instructions, in confidence.”

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